King’s Improvement Science


Help shape King’s Improvement Science research: join our steering group

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King’s Improvement Science (KIS) is looking for people with experience of using health and social care services in south-east London or caring for someone who does to join our steering group.

KIS is a research programme funded by King’s Health Partners (KHP) made up of a small team of researchers and quality improvement experts based at King’s College London. Our aim is to use research to help improve health and care services in south-east London.

We would like to find three people to join our KIS steering group, which includes representatives from our funders, King’s Health Partners, KIS staff, and staff from the local NHS trusts.

Join the KIS steering group to shape our research  

The aim of the steering group is to help make decisions about KIS research projects: what areas we research and how, within our broad goal of researching improvement to health and social care services in south-east London. We want people with lived experience involved as early as possible in this process so that the work we do is relevant to the people who use these services.

Public members will draw upon their lived experience to provide insight, advice, and a service user, patient or carer perspective during meetings. You will advise on how best to incorporate public involvement within the KIS programme and how to share outputs with members of the public.

Skills and experience

We are interested in receiving applications from people who are:

  • Able to review a variety of documents, such as project proposals and meeting minutes
  • Able to work collaboratively as part of a group
  • Willing to offer thoughts and views drawing upon your own experiences of using health or social care services or those of people you support
  • Interested in learning about improvement science in health and social care
  • Able to join online meetings via laptop, phone, or tablet.

In all of this work, you will be supported by two patient and public involvement co-ordinators at KIS who also have experience of using various health and social care services.

We value diverse voices, perspectives, and experiences in our work. We would especially like to hear from members of racialised groups and from young people.

Payment and attendance 

There are three 1.5 hour KIS steering group meetings per year.

Public members will be paid an honorarium of £70 per person per meeting. This fee is intended to cover 1.5 hours of preparation time, a 1.5-hour meeting, a 30-minute debrief, and a working from home allowance.

The deadline for applying is midnight on Sunday 13 February

We will arrange brief, informal interviews with shortlisted applicants on Wednesday 23 February, with questions provided in advance.

We will also hold an open question and answer session with the PPI co-ordinators, Len Demetriou and Rachel Rowan Olive, on Monday 7 February from 12-1pm.

The next steering group meeting is on Tuesday 8 March 2022. 

Find out more and apply

You can download the full role description, application form and equality monitoring form on the NIHR ARC South London website

Feel free to contact Len and Rachel on with any questions about the role.

Everyone who applies can opt to hear about other opportunities to get involved in KIS research.

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