King’s Improvement Science

Dr Louise Hull

KIS improvement science specialists

Deputy director of the centre for implementation science, King’s College London

Dr Louise Hull

Dr Louise Hull

Louise is Deputy Director of the Centre for Implementation Science at King’s College London.

She is also NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) South London’s implementation research theme lead.

Louise trained as a psychologist and completed a PhD in patient safety at Imperial College London. Her expertise and research interests are in implementation science, improvement science and patient safety.

Over the past 10 years, Louise has led the development and validation of numerous non-technical and teamwork assessment tools for use in healthcare. Most recently, her research has focused on developing tools to improve the conceptual and methodological quality of implementation and improvement research.

Research interests

  • Implementation science (research and practice)
  • Improvement science
  • Patient safety


  • Implementation science
  • Improvement science
  • Patient safety

Expertise and public engagement

  • Editorial board member, BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning (2015-21).
  • Associate Editor, BMC Health Services Research (2018-20)
  • Peer reviewer for numerous journals, including Implementation Science
  • Advises researchers and clinicians on implementation science research methods

Contact details 

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