King’s Improvement Science

Zoë Lelliott

KIS improvement science specialists

Director, King's Improvement Science

Zoë Lelliott

Zoë Lelliott

Zoë has over 30 years of NHS experience, spanning roles in clinical delivery, general management, strategy, and leadership in research and innovation.

She has been working for 20 years in south London at the interface of health and care and academia, with roles in King’s Health Partners, the Health Innovation Network (as a director and interim chief executive for two years) and the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) South London, where she is currently joint deputy director of the ARC. She has worked with the mental health trusts and integrated care systems across south London, and is a Trustee of Age UK Sutton.

Zoë has a degree in experimental psychology from the University of Cambridge and an MBA. She is passionate about real-world implementation and evaluation of evidence-based practice.

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Implementation researchers have developed a quantitative tool to appraise the quality of implementation research proposals in healthcare

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