King’s Improvement Science


KIS resources for quality improvement projects, implementation science research, patient and public involvement and evaluation.


About King's Improvement Science leaflet

A leaflet about King's Improvement Science



Increasing meaningful involvement of patients and carers in QI: an infographic

An infographic illustrating how to increase meaningful involvement of patients and carers in quality improvement (QI) work, an output from a project on developing a Theory of Change for the QI training programme at King’s College Hospital.



Visual abstract - Evaluating a remote monitoring service for patients with rheumatoid arthritis

A co-produced visual abstract of a project evaluating a remote monitoring service for patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

The project explores patient and staff experiences, and barriers and drivers to implementation.



Implementation Science Research Glossary

This glossary builds on previous efforts to track implementation terminology, providing an up-to-date and comprehensive list of more than 100 terms and acronyms relating specifically to implementation science research.



Theory of Change diagram (simple version)

In collaboration with the QI team at King’s College Hospital (KCH), the KIS research team have developed a Theory of Change (a type of programme theory) to clearly outline how the QI training programme at KCH could reach its improvement goals.



Executive Summary: A Theory of Change of the quality improvement training programme at King's College Hospital

This is an Executive Summary of the full report of the Theory of Change of the quality improvement training programme developed in collaboration with King's College Hospital by researchers at King's Improvement Science.



A Theory of Change of the quality improvement training programme at King's College Hospital

This report details a collaboration with the Quality Improvement team at King’s College Hospital (KCH) and the King's Improvement Science (KIS) research team who have developed a Theory of Change (a type of programme theory) to clearly outline how the QI training programme at KCH could reach its improvement goals.



King's College Hospital Quality Improvement Training Theory of Change Model

In collaboration with the Quality Improvement team at King’s College Hospital (KCH), the King's Improvement Science (KIS) research team have developed a Theory of Change (a type of programme theory) to clearly outline how the QI training programme at KCH could reach its improvement goals. In this short (5 min) video, Dr Katie Richards, (KIS) describes the Theory of Change.



King’s College Hospital Quality Improvement Training: Theory of Change

In collaboration with the QI team at King’s College Hospital (KCH), the KIS research team have developed a Theory of Change (a type of programme theory) to clearly outline how the QI training programme at KCH could reach its improvement goals.



Validação transcultural da ImpRes-Tool-BR ( Brazilian Portugese translation)

Este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar os resultados da tradução, validação transcultural e avaliação preliminar de uma ferramenta, originalmente desenvolvida no Reino Unido, para orientar
pesquisadores brasileiros na elaboração de projetos e pesquisas de implementação rigorosos e de alta qualidade: ImpRes-BR.



Cross-cultural validation of ImpRes tool-BR

This study aims to present the results of the translation, cross-cultural validation and preliminary evaluation of a tool, originally developed in the United Kingdom, to guide Brazilian researchers in the elaboration of projects and rigorous and high-quality implementation research: ImpRes-BR.



Remote monitoring of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a mixed methods evaluation across six hospitals in London, UK

A poster on the remote monitoring of patients with rheumatoid arthritis



Visual abstract - Understanding patient experiences of waiting for cardiac surgery

A visual abstract of the project aiming to understand experiences of waiting for cardiac surgery



Implementation Outcome Repository

Implementation science researchers at King's Improvement Science and the University of East Anglia have developed a free online repository to help anyone implementing new ways of delivering healthcare to better understand and measure the outcomes of these changes.

The Repository brings together 55 instruments that have been developed and tested in physical healthcare settings to assess the success of new ways of delivering healthcare services.



A theory of change of the quality improvement (QI) training programme at a large London hospital

A presentation of the initial results from the Quality Improvement Training Theory of Change project. Presented at 6th UK Implementation Science Conference July 2023.



Evaluating quality improvement at scale: A pilot study on routine reporting for executive board governance in a UK National Health Service organisation

Quality improvement (QI) in healthcare is a cultural transformation process. We explored how routine reporting could be developed to aid visibility of the process for QI governance.



The future of remote monitoring and rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

Watch a recording of a panel discussion and Q&A held with the NRAS on 28 June 2023. The traditional appointments system, with face-to-face appointments at fixed intervals, can mean that patients struggle to access care when they need it most. We hear from the teams at King's Improvement Science and the Health Innovation Network, and their continued work on an experimental remote monitoring system, that prevents unnecessary patient follow-ups. Expect to learn how the system is being evaluated, feedback direct from RA patients, why you should get involved in research.



Reporting guidelines relevant to implementation studies: Improving the quality and transparency of implementation study reporting

This resource consolidates reporting guidelines relevant to implementation studies and research. A reporting guideline is “a checklist, flow diagram, or structured text to guide authors in reporting a specific type of research,” according to the EQUATOR network.



Supporting implementation and improving evaluation of health...

...and social care interventions and services during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. An interactive resource to support the rapid implementation and evaluation of health and social care innovations, interventions and new services during, and after, the Covid-19 pandemic.



Pragmatic scoping and critical review presentation-poster

Pragmatic scoping and critical review presentation-poster presented at the 4th UK Implementation Science Conference July 2021



Remote consultations review

Review of remote mental health care prior to the COVID-19 pandemic July 2021



KIS guides to quality improvement: Step 1

This resource will help you to understand what quality improvement is (and is not), and includes a list of recommended reading and useful websites. It also contains recommendations for people who are thinking of setting up a quality improvement project.



KIS guides to quality improvement: Step 2

The resource aims to help you formulate ideas for feasible collaborative quality improvement projects that are likely to last for a period of weeks or months. It outlines key questions that should be asked before you start a quality improvement project, and should help you to devise quality improvement projects that are more likely to achieve their aims.



KIS guides to quality improvement: Step 3

This template will help you structure and create a detailed plan for conducting and evaluating a quality improvement project in a health or social care service.



KIS advice about patient and public involvement

This resource includes recommendations based on involvement work KIS have carried out in three quality improvement projects that were led by health professionals and supported by KIS. It is for anyone who wants to involve patients, service users and members of the public in quality improvement projects in a meaningful and productive way.



Communication: a practical resource

This is a practical resource for anyone involved in a project that aims to improve health or care services, or to change practice. It encourages you to think about communication from the very start of the project, and to build communication into your project plan.



KIS guide to evaluation resources

This guide signposts resources for evaluating health and social care service initiatives, including quality improvement projects and programmes.



Implementation Science Research Development tool

The ImpRes tool aims to help you successfully apply implementation science concepts, principles and methods to implementation research by providing a step-by-step approach to designing high quality and rigorous implementation projects



Implementation Science Research Development guide

The ImpRes guide provides a systematic step-by-step approach to designing implementation research and is intended to be used in conjunction with the ImpRes tool.



ImpRes-BR (Brazilian Portuguese version) Implementation Science Research Development Guide

Ferramenta de Desenvolvimento para Pesquisas de Implementação



ImpRes-BR (Brazilian Portuguese version) Implementation Science Research Development Tool

Ferramenta de Desenvolvimento para Pesquisas de Implementação



KIS glossary of terms used in improvement and implementation

This glossary is a collection of terms and definitions from the fields of quality improvement, improvement science and implementation science. It also contains relevant terminology from health economics, patient and public involvement, evaluation and research.



ImpRes IS Masterclass Lecture presentation July 2021


Implementation outcome repository presentation poster

Presented at the 4th UK Implementation Science Conference July 2021
